FREE Course
Discover Your Warrioress


with the Amazonian Arts

When sleeping women wake, mountains move ...

Chinese Proverb


The AMA Apprenticeship is for women who have completed the 13 Warrioress Journey (either online or in the physical circles near Dorrigo, NSW) and feel the call to go deeper. In this course, women will be apprenticing to the Art of this Shamanic Path, developing skills and co-creating together. At present the Apprenticeship is offered only through physical gatherings that are held near Dorrigo NSW over 18 months.


While some women who complete the AMA Apprenticeship will go on to teach under the AMA banner, this won’t be the case for others. Many of the Apprentices choose this pathway simply for their own personal growth. And as a smaller group than the first-year Journey-Women, we are able to deepen more intimately together in the processes and experience the next level of this work.


  • strengthening the sisterhood

  • giving and receiving deeper levels of support

  • fine-tuning our deep listening skills

  • accountability to our soul work

  • refining our awareness and ability to respond to energetic dynamics within the group

  • lightening the load of the inter-generational traumas we all carry

  • leadership and facilitation skills

  • cultivating our intuition and initiating action from that space

  • undertaking and being witnessed in courageous acts

  • teaching under the AMA banner for those called
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing ...

Arundhati Roy

The Apprenticeship process for 2023 - 2024:

  • hosted online course
  • birth imprints
  • altars of womanhood
  • growing into the the wise elder
  • astrology insights
  • myths & story-telling
  • ritual & ceremony
  • sound & authentic voice
  • navigating the shadowlands
  • womb wise ways
  • plant medicine
  • drum journeying
  • sweat lodge
  • weaving with natural fibres
  • broomstick martial arts

The Apprenticeship Package inclusions:

  • 7 Polarity-Pair gatherings with new Journey-Women (9am-5pm)
  • 9 Apprentice circles (some half day/some full day)
  • 9 nights accommodation
  • Hosted online course
  • Guest facilitators (additional cost)
  • Completion Package
  • Dress up Ball
  • Dinners, morning/afternoon teas



  • 2023-2024 $1,300
  • 2025-2026 TBC


Expressions of Interest

Leave your details below to register your interest for our next round of Apprenticeships starting in 2024