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Frequently Asked Questions

The Amazonian Arts is a transformative journey, blending ancient wisdom and modern empowerment. It's a sacred space where we explore the fierce feminine, harnessing the power of archetypes, astrology, and mysticism to guide women on their path of self-discovery and empowerment.

Through a magickal combination of courses, a beautiful supportive community and a bridge built upon the bones of the sacred ancient ways that is here to support the awakening of the women who are called to birth this New Story. The Amazonian Arts invites you to discover your unique Warrioress archetype, unlocking your inner strengths and guiding you on a journey of personal and spiritual growth.

A Warrioress archetype represents a unique aspect of the fierce feminine energy within you. Each archetype is associated with specific strengths, challenges, and sacred tools. Discovering your Warrioress archetype empowers you to navigate life's challenges and fulfil your soul's purpose. Ultimately all 13 Warrioress Archetypes may speak to you, however, there is one that will align most deeply with what you are here to be and do in the world. This is our personal Warrioress who is here to support us in facing our life's challenges so that we may uncover and reclaim the strengths that lie beneath the shadows and 'real-eyes' our full potential. 


While you can simply purchase one or the complete set of our 13 Warrioress Pathways and dive in, we recommend 'Discovering your Warrioress' through the online questionnaire. This process involves a magickal combination of your own intuitive answers to a series of questions, and places the fierce feminine lens over your astrological natal chart to peer deeply into what is written in the stars for you. Another choice for a recommended first step is to take our mini short 'Pathway to the Amazonian Arts' for free so that you can experience a bird's eye view of this New Story. 

Once you've uncovered your Warrioress, you have the option to embark on a solo 4-week online course tailored to your archetype. Alternatively, you can open into the 13 Warrioress Journey, exploring the collective wisdom of all archetypes alongside your chosen one.

Each Warrioress Pathway is broken into 6 sections that consists of 23 lessons. We recommend spending at least one moon to journey the content so that you can really give yourself time for the deeper layers of the experience to unfold for you. However, some women will work faster and some slower and there is beauty in that diversity. 

For those women who prefer the physical gatherings, we are hosting the journey in Dorrigo, NSW every few years - you can register your interest with us on the 'Shamanic Journey'. Currently we have women Apprenticing to this work and hope that more locations for physical gatherings will become available in time. Each online Pathway can also be downloaded so that you can work offline or even print out the content for easy reading.

Absolutely! The Amazonian Arts is inclusive and open to women from all walks of life. Whether you're just beginning your spiritual journey or seeking to deepen your connection with the fierce feminine, our offerings cater to diverse experiences and backgrounds.

Discover Your Warrioress

Unleash the power within you by uncovering your unique Warrioress archetype. Explore the depths of your soul and embrace the fierce feminine energy that resides within. Your journey begins with a single click!


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