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Dirt Time for the Soul

Within just a few days after this New Moon a bunch of courageous Amazonian Arts sisters will come together to sit in sacred ceremony. The ceremony ground is nestled within the most stunning natural environment amongst ancient giant Grass Trees, beautiful Banksias, scented Tea Trees and an mighty gnarly Gum Tree, that feels like the guardian of this hollowed ground. The ceremony will call us to descend into the dark womb of Mother Earth to die a little death and be reborn a truer version of ourselves.


What is it that will die in this process?

Since incarnating into our human existence in our mother’s womb, we start a process of armouring ourselves with stories and believes, that in our egoic mind start replacing the essence of who we truly are. Each story or belief that our ego holds about ourselves has become a reality that can hold us back from feeling truly alive, knowing that there must be more to life, than surviving in the rat...

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As the Last Tangerine Blushes

Winter has arrived

As the last tangerine blush of the sun settles itself to sleep for the night, I note that it is only 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Observing nature and the seasons has been a delightful experience for me. The four seasons are truly experienced here where I live, and it makes me ponder the true meaning of winter in our lives. For a number of months (at times up to 9 months) I experience sub zero temperatures most nights, and cool, windy days that force one to wear layers upon layers to keep warm. I look out my window each morning and a thick, icy frost covers the grass, bejewelling each blade as if it were a crystalline fairy meadow. We dash out to our cars to drive to work and spend at least 15 minutes defrosting the windscreen, fingertips struggling to keep any sensation in them. The gardens do not grow. The flowers do not bloom. The trees have dropped their leaves, forming harsh skeletons, poking out from the earth. We light our fires. We turn on our heaters. We...

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The Bumpy Road on a Mother's Backā€¦

  • Are you longing for some time out, time for you, time to breathe deeply, time to relax, time to reflect, time to live?
  • How tense is your body without you even knowing it?

I just had a massage, and it was as if the massage therapist drove over a really badly patched road full of potholes where some haven’t been patched yet. Only then did I truly realise how much I neglect my body and am focused 'out there' to function well, to fulfill the duties of a responsible mum, of a reliable worker, of a good daughter, of a friend who´s thinking of you, of a modern women who´s educated on the world happenings, of a rat race slave to this construct in which we live in ... Better to the point, where we survive the matrix, until the machine breaks down or hopefully the machine only malfunctions and one stops for the little moment required to see what on earth is going on. Survive! Is that all there truly is about this life on this planet...

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I’ve always been a loner and never grew up being part of a group, not even girl guides or a sports team. Not only did I always feel different and not quite ‘vibe’ with others, but I also knew that I’d move on soon, therefore there was no real point in belonging.

Back in Melbourne in 2006 I did create a successful artist group for mothers only. The group is called Thou Art Mum, which is still going strong to this day, but even then, I still kept my ‘true self’ and ‘woo-woo’ thoughts hidden from others. I had trust issues, I never felt that I could truly be myself with others just in case later down the track my openness would be used against me.


The Difficult Year of 2023

Then 2023 came around, which turned out to be an incredibly heartbreaking and stressful year for me, in which my past fears about having loved ones use friendship and personal connections against me were coming true… My nightmare had finally become my...

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Embarking on the Moon Maidens Program, Perth WA

Menarche and coming of Age

At the end of last year, I felt called to bring mothers in my direct community, who had maidens coming of age, into a circle to discuss what they had planned for their daughter's menarche. There were a few reasons I felt pulled to do this. Firstly, to see as a community/collective if we could celebrate and empower our girls as they became women. Secondly, to see what I could learn about rites of passage and the coming of age. And thirdly, if I could assist in making the experience sacred. I had a slight tug that I should run a 2024 year-long program for my daughter who is approaching menarche and her friends, and I wanted to share my learnings with other girls her age. I have seen friends leave the ‘period talk’ and sex education up to their schools and did not want this for my daughter even though I know her teacher is wonderful.


What happens at a girls first menstruation is very important and can affect her for years to come,...
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Echoes From The Deep

This is a direct response to the ZOOM update ~ AMA in review ~ with our Vision Weaver Akhalita for what lies ahead for us with the AMA in 2024.

My message to Akhalita  in response to the 13th January zoom:

“.... AND WOW ... I felt you in your power as Vision Weaver ... as we go DEEPER ...”

” I had a big response / activation from this zoom call - particularly from you and Jeanette that will result in writings for the newsletter. I felt hugely activated personally by this zoom replay. I was not able to attend live and I share what was arising in and for me at that time ~ transcribed from a voice recording 14th January 2024.


What does it mean to go deeper?

What does it actually mean to go DEEPER in ones devotion to ones own spiritual journey... with ones devotion to this work and BE - ing fully PRESENT to it.... Listening to the recording of the zoom call, I am fully activated as to what it is to go DEEPER and what might be...

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Shadows & the Tsunami of Love

Welcome to 2024. A fresh new year full of hope and positive intentions, or so we thought on Dec 31, 2023. With ongoing tragedy in the Middle East and Ukraine, a 7.6 grade earthquake in Japan, floods and severe storms in Europe and Australia, eco systems in breakdown, as well as unexpected challenges in my own family, it seems 2024 continues to be another year of major upheaval. Life on Mother Earth is so far from peaceful and balanced, and as her children, humanity is being pushed to the brink. The message seems to be, “awaken or perish”.


Cosmic Weather ...

According to Pam Gregory’s astrological predictions for Jan 2024, there are plenty of chaotic transits and challenging aspects happening between some of the big players, like Pluto (Banshee), Uranus (Wildling), Mars, god of war (Huntress) and Eris, dwarf planet of discord and strife. So be prepared for more wild purging and transformational chaos...

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Death & Darning

During Winter this year, I had the good fortune to be able to sit in Circle at Mullumbimby for the
first Winter Woman/Bone Wisdom workshop with Jane Hardwicke Collings (Founder of the School of Shamanic Womancraft) among sistars of the Four Seasons Journey. Jane isn’t yet a Crone, but is closing in and preparing herself, what we call a Baby Crone.

Potent Questions To Ponder

Questions on this day started with:

  • How do we want to meet our Death?
  • What makes us valuable?

Crones are the Truthtellers, the Myth-busters, the Storytellers... This is the ultimate right of passage. A total unconditional space of holding. Susun Weed says:


The Crone speaks first and for as long as she wants.


Today we are holding the Crone in her most exalted form...

  • So what does she have to say? 
  • Who are the wise elders in your life? 
  • What are the messages you have received in your life about getting old?
  • And if you have an opportunity to sit with an older woman,...
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Beauty & the Rose

I have inherited a garden of rose bushes – wiry, woody and pest ridden. Arriving to my new house in the middle of winter meant the great unveiling of the colour and perfume of the rose would have to wait till the spring. A self-confessed novice, I began tending the roses, removing aphids and curly leaves. I read roses needed food, water and sunshine – easy enough, I thought. Roses are frost tolerant and hardy – great! That will work here, with evening temperatures throughout winter settling below zero.


Beauty for Beauty's Sake

As spring arrived, I awoke one morning to see a tiny bud on the bush outside my window and so began my exuberant quest to know and understand The Rose. Early on in my life, I thought flowers were pointless. Why would I want a garden full of pretties that didn’t provide food? I was practical, purposeful and there was no time for flowers that were simply just sitting around looking...

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Ponderings of a Priestess: Embracing the Surface-Scratcher within ..

Through life, we often hear well-intentioned advice to; stay focused, complete one task at a time, plan ahead, stay on track, be methodical and that it is best to specialise in just one particular area. It's like a drumbeat echoing in our minds, a rhythm that promises success through order and structure. To my Virgo Moon and my orderly, list-making mind, it all makes perfect sense. Yet, as I dig deeper, I realise that this isn't how I best stay in flow and I have been forcing myself to be something I wasn’t and unjustly judging myself harshly along the way.

Growing up and well into my adult life it was challenging for me to ever question authority, I was a rule follower, I never swam against the mainstream, or allowed myself to follow my own instincts. The echoes of words spoken to me as a teenager still reverberate through my body. My mother's ‘throw away’ comments about how I looked and what I ‘should’ be doing about...

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