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Discover Your Warrioress

Meet the Clan Mothers

Hear the Clan Mothers share their voices in their own Warrioress Pathway

Corrie Wade | Vision Father

 Elvina Munir

Alchemist Clan Mother

Elvina means little elf in the Celtic tradition and sacred instrument in Sanskrit, and true to my name I am a musician and sound healer, a lover of the Earth and her elementals and dwell in a magical cottage in an ancient mossy forest. After a brief period ensnared in the patriarchal world of structural engineering, I escaped and have spent many years exploring the world and life as a free spirit, yogini, mother, jewellery designer, chimes maker, and more recently as creatress of clay mythical creatures and animal allies.

As an Alchemist, I am deeply inspired by the shamanic and spiritual realms, inner journeying, womb healing and sacred sexuality.  AMA’s vision speaks to my soul and I feel moved to support this birthing for the highest good of Gaia and all Beings.

Drumming and background music in the Pathways is credited to Elvina Munir.

Corrie Wade | Vision Father

Evelin Oaktree

Medicine Woman Clan Mother

I have been travelling many paths, within and without - a meandering nomad with no and many homes. I feel that rediscovering the beauty, passion and wildness in nature is an expression of our own inner being. It can be the bridge to reunite with our primordial, whole and sacred self – our blueprint for healing.

In reverence to the vision of the Amazonian Arts, I have drawn from my experience in holistic manual therapy and ecology, a deep love of nature, and an appreciation of life in all its facets to offer the Elemental Foundations workshops. May the shift begin...

Katiuska Cruz

Artisan Clan Mother

I am a jeweller, painter and graphic artist. As the Vision Artisan, I am creating the archetypal images of the 13 Warrioresses and the Overarching Allies.

Each month I sit with the Vision Mother and Gate-Keeper, deeply listening to what has been received about a specific Warrioress, and then begin the process of bringing HER through. This is, to put it lightly, a MOMENTOUS task full of magick, deep stories, spells, dedication and profound love.

Discover more about my AMA Artistry here.


Lisa Smith | Huntress Clan Mother

Lisa Smith

Huntress Clan Mother

 I am a mother, daughter, sister, wife, shiatsu practitioner, gardener and creative. I have also studied environmental biology majoring in Botany. I have been a project manager, research assistant and worked in the field of energy efficiency so my hats are many and paths meandering. Now I am finding stillness. My passions are holding sacred space for women and for healing, growing a food forest on our land and spending time in nature making mandalas.

I am the Clan Mother of the Huntress and working with her and her allies, I have found myself dedicated to beating my drum to my soul song and cultivating my own Fierce Feminine.

Corrie Wade | Vision Father

Tracy-Lee Clarke

Priestess Clan Mother

 I am a mother to three amazing boys. I am wife to my complimentary opposite. I am woman, daughter, mother, sister; Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Libra Rising.

My passions are animals (horses in particular), painting, drawing, crochet, web and graphic design and all things creative. You will rarely find me without my tarot cards or essential oils nearby. 

Being called in as the Clan Mother for the Priestess is an experience I am unravelling as it happens. Her bones called to me, her sacred hearth and flame drew me in.

At home I am surround by masculine energies; my boys, my husband, even our animals, I see the Amazonian Arts as an invitation for the embodiment of the fierce sacred feminine and of evoking the inner wisdom of me remembering this power once again.

I am of the Earth and I am finding my way back to self.


Corrie Wade | Vision Father

Sonya Kumar

Wildling Clan Mother

Spirit name WildRiver.

I am a Mother, Re-wilder and Community Weaver, I actively live on an intentional community, toiling the soil and growing the village. I practice wild craft, twirling my fire stick to make primitive fire and weaving baskets out of the landscape.

I have danced to my own drum beat, often as a loan she-wolf, gravitating to a less conventional life out side the over-culture. My spiritual seeking has taken me cross oceans and cultures, practising traditional and non-traditional linages. For the last decades I have been immersed in the Earth Based practices: the Shamanic way reclaiming back my wild story!

I walk closely with the Wildling archetype, with reverence. I hold the Rainstick as the Wildling Clan Mother and all that she reveals so we can take back our untethered Wild Heart.

Lyra Jean

Banshee Clan Mother, SSW Graduate & SSW Year 1/3 Apprentice Teacher 4SJ

I am mother of 2 daughters. I am swim school owner, a teacher of swimming and appreciated in the community as a Water Whisperer. I am an ABA therapist for children on the Autism spectrum and I have Bachelor Fine Arts degree.

My passion lies with and for the frame drum and the sacred ancient technology it holds for healing and transformation.

I see myself now in my Maga years as a steward for the Great Mother, in service to the feminine awakening and reclamation of the Goddess culture.

Vesna Peric

Archeress Clan Mother

I am on a journey of discovery, discovery of who I am. So many roles taken up, so much information taken in, so many experiences witnessed, so many lies upon lies, judgements upon judgements during the good, the bad, and the ugly times, that along the way I have forgotten who I truly am. The time has come to go within and explore the depth of being. Curiosity for life, drive for truth and knowledge, willingness to learn, love for nature and the space of freedom, I stepped into the adventure of the Archeress Clan Mother, to explore, learn, share and grow!! While it can be daunting and intriguing, there is no such things as coincidence. The willingness to explore creation and dig deep, is what I am on the adventure of. I invite you to come along for the ride. They never said it would be easy, but that it would be worth it!

Amy Myers | Determinatress Clan Mother

We await her arrival...

Lore Keeper Clan Mother

Camilla Ticehurst | Protectress Clan Mother

Camilla Ticehurst

ProtectressĀ Clan Mother

Itā€™s been a long road of self-discovery upon which I've experienced the full range of Protectress shadows and fears in order to bring forward her wisdom and strengths at this time.Ā I am a guide and mentor to children,Ā mothers, and families. I am a hugger, lover, mother, sister, friend, and shamanic seeker.

I am Clan Mother for the Protectress: a guide and role model for a new way. Together we can co-create a nourishing community, built upon connection, positive communication, shared values, and integrity. Now my life becomes my purpose. To live life fully, as an embodiment of the Protectress.

Camilla Ticehurst | Protectress Clan Mother

Brony Marshall

Merciful One Clan Mother

IĀ embodied the Soul-Song of the Warrior Queen for several years. It was a deeply profound experience to step up as her Clan Mother and step into my power and path of truth.

The weekend I turned 40 I received a message to anchor the Soul-Song of the Merciful One. It was an instant feeling of ā€˜coming homeā€™. In my life I have journeyed many pathsā€¦ Paramedic, Teacher, Youth Educator, Business Creatrix, World Traveller, Artist, and Mother. Along my journey, no matter my career or focus, there have been three main portals that have supported me to experience a feeling of ā€˜coming homeā€™ to myself.

ā„ Spirit (energy) ā„ Nature ā„ Creativity. These three facets create a cosmic web that intimately connects me to my deep wisdom, dreams, heart, womb and spirituality. I see that the Merciful One has been calling me for many years through her reclamationā€¦ to remember that we are from the Spiritual Realms.

Amy Myers | Determinatress Clan Mother

MelanieĀ Roser

Messenger Clan Mother

Words have always capturedĀ my intrigue. I love discovering the secrets that hide within them, and I particularly love that potent moment when a word is awakened from its unconscious slumber, and restored to sacred expression. I am awed by the realisation that our words serve us to heal, to save and to enslave. They carry the possibility of our freedom when we meet them in a state of presence, and they too carry our dis-ease, our lack, our limitation and our insecurity.

My journey with Messenger and her Word Medicine is really a quest for freedom; freedom from the spell-binds that have occupied my genetics, and my environments and their cultures. It is to remember who I really am; that I am the words I consistently choose to fill my mind with. And with these words, I weave the fabric of my reality.

Camilla Ticehurst | Protectress Clan Mother

Akhalita Makoto

Warrior Queen Clan Mother

I once heard a wise-women in a workshop on leadership ask participants the question, 'Who is leading the leader?' It has stuck with me ever since as the touchstone for humility and guidance in this role. For looking around in our modern world it is clear that too many who step into leadership, succumb to the intoxication of 'power over' in its various guises.

While the answer to the question continues to take me deeper, the Leo Warrior Queen's medicine speaks to me through the fire element and the heart. For my personal challenge thus far has been to courageously face the fears that have prevented me stepping up into the light to shine my gifts bright. It is so deeply heart-nourishing to know that as I step more fully into my personal power and sovereignty, I am leadingĀ others into their own.Ā