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Ponderings of a Priestess: Embracing the Surface-Scratcher within ..

Through life, we often hear well-intentioned advice to; stay focused, complete one task at a time, plan ahead, stay on track, be methodical and that it is best to specialise in just one particular area. It's like a drumbeat echoing in our minds, a rhythm that promises success through order and structure. To my Virgo Moon and my orderly, list-making mind, it all makes perfect sense. Yet, as I dig deeper, I realise that this isn't how I best stay in flow and I have been forcing myself to be something I wasn’t and unjustly judging myself harshly along the way.

Growing up and well into my adult life it was challenging for me to ever question authority, I was a rule follower, I never swam against the mainstream, or allowed myself to follow my own instincts. The echoes of words spoken to me as a teenager still reverberate through my body. My mother's ‘throw away’ comments about how I looked and what I ‘should’ be doing about...

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Hygeia & the Snake

Hygieia: the Resurfacing of a Pre-Olympian Status Quo?

Last Sunday was World Goddess Day. This enticed me to have a deeper look into the mythology of my ally Goddess HYGIEIA - Goddess of Health. I am somewhat hesitant to add Goddess of Cleanliness or Hygiene, because in our day an age, I find overt hygiene is actually a cause of many health conditions. But this is a topic for a whole new post… Suffice to say that in 400BCE, hand washing and purification of air through incense amongst other things was making a positive difference in the treatment of plaque and other infectious diseases. And since Hygieia is attributed to be most strong on the preventative side of health care, it kind of makes sense. She also is linked to mental health through her association with Goddess Athena. So on the whole she seems to be the ancient personification of a modern holistic health care practitioner who is walking her talk.


Hygieia's Family History

Hygieia comes from a renowned...

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The Clan Mother Speaks: Our Huntress

clan mother huntress Jul 10, 2021

Stepping into the Clan Mother Huntress Role

When Vision Mother and Warrior Queen Akhalita first shared the birthing of the Amazonian Arts I felt intrigued as I heard the “rattling of the bones” as she spoke. It excited me, the opportunity to piece together the lost threads and uncover Herstory through studying Warrioress Archetypes.


The Huntress Steps Forward 

I jumped at the chance to have my Warrioress reading and did so for my 44th Birthday. I was surprised at how much information Jeanette could tell about me from my birth chart. This reintroduction into astrology was just the beginning of many Beginnings (or re-memberings) that are being ignited along this path. When she shared The Huntress had the most medicine for me I initially felt a bit disappointed. Believing I was the Messenger or Artisan, since these I can see easily expressed in my life. The Huntress felt distant, far too confident and her focus too sharp to resonate with me. A bow and arrow too...

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The Clan Mother Speaks: Our Messenger

clan mother messenger Jun 10, 2021

I feel drawn to writing about so many different topics, it's honestly hard to choose.

In honour of the Messenger, I will share my current experience where she walks beside me and weaves her magic still. 

Survive or Thrive

I recently discovered I have been in a form of survival my whole life until now. I had no frame of reference as to what thriving felt like. To call this word into my body felt so foreign, I didn't know where to place it. I had heard this word thrown around, "thriving" but I never applied it to my own life. It took a dear friend to very directly say to me that she wanted me to thrive. I felt numb. Thrive?

I played with this word for days, weeks. The more I meditated and ruminated on this word, the more attention I payed to the power this word had on my body. Things were starting to shift. I started thinking about things differently. I gleaned a new way of looking at my life lived so far. After a day of disorganisation, being on the back foot with the kids,...

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The Clan Mother Speaks: Our Banshee

banshee clan mother May 12, 2021


Hello dear Sisters—seekers of the Fierce Feminine.

As Banshee Clan Mother I say hello and greet you as JaneOwl. This birthing—this ‘coming out’ of Banshee to you right here, right now, has been quite something. Quite a process. Like a birth of sorts. I have been writing this through the waxing moon to full Scorpio super moon of April 2021 and just days out from Samhain when the veils are thin between worlds.

Firstly, I would like to share with you some words that Banshee spoke one day when I was beside the ocean in March. I am in a constant place of questioning…

Who am I ?
And what am I here to do ?
What is my purpose ?

Life has no meaning... No reason to stay. If there is no purpose

I Am that I Am

I Am that I Am

I Am that I Am

It feels as simple as that. It's taken a life journey to this age of my 60th year to get to this clarity; to this simplicity. Or perhaps even its taken lifetimes...

I am Banshee

I am an anchor for her medicine. She yearns...

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The Clan Mother Speaks: the Lore Keeper

As I run ideas through my mind on where to begin my story, a narrated voice ponders random memories.  I regress to past experiences of powerful, spiritual shifts as a young woman during my university years. Having an outspoken, feminist mother who, in my teens, presenting a bumper sticker proudly stating, “Girls can do anything,” led me down a path of rights for women. Bless her for this.  I also recall a childhood knowing, steeped in Christian teachings, that I would one day do work in some spiritual aspect. Of course, I have reached far beyond my religious upbringing and have explored many philosophies of life and beyond—which is where I truly believe this story goes back even further—to past lives.  


Past Painful Lives

I feel I have lived a life as a Georgian woman feeling betrayed by her lover and living a lonely, unmarried life without children. Women only felt their worth was reliant upon having a husband and her ability to...

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The Clan Mother Speaks: Our Protectress

clan mother protectress Feb 11, 2021


You could say I came into the Amazonian Arts, the Shamanic Way, with its founder, Akhalita, crossing my path in May 2019, and due to the sequential alignment of signs that followed our first meeting. At the time, my Women’s Circle was staying at Ningendo, near Dorrigo in NSW, on a Woman’s Retreat. Our Inner Goddess weekend closed, with her sharing the ancient bones of all 13 Amazonian Warrioresses with us, around the opened hearth. I heard a new story emerging …

I didn’t know then why, but we were destined to cross paths.


Fierce Fairies and their Tales

What pulled me further into the Amazonian Arts was a yearning to learn more about this Fierce Feminine, as the Vision Mother spoke of Warrioress Archetypes. You see, I was familiar with the Mother energy, having been diving deep into her mythology through Demeter, the Amazonian Arts Matron Goddess for the Protectress energy. Yet my experiential journey has been one of that through her daughter,...

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The Clan Mother Speaks: Medicine Woman


Sleeping Beauty

Journeying with the Amazonian Arts is like following spiral patterns of learning and rediscovery. One core principle I have repeatedly felt into with my whole being and examined with a curious mind is the reclaiming of the Fierce Feminine. My first impression was that it simply felt right. An instinctive knowing that there is a part in me that feels the call to wake up—a part that feels even urged to do so. So what is it, this part in me, slumbering in a kind of drug-induced sleep? I call it my Wild Woman. I can feel her when I am connecting and communing with nature and spirit. When the time is right the protective barriers and armouring will make way for the reconciliation with the sacred masculine—and she will awaken. But why is she asleep in the first place?


Wild Woman

The Poisoned Life

My soul has chosen to be born into a family reenacting all the shadow sides of transgenerational traumas. In the absence of whole and balanced...

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The Clan Mother Speaks: An Alchemistā€™s Life Journey

alchemist clan mother Nov 11, 2020

Patriarchal Lines Run Deep

The patriarchal theme of the Alchemist runs deep in my life. Programmed to believe my father’s narrative about high achieving and a good education, I obediently did my very best. Despite my soul longing for a career in music, I ended up with a degree in structural engineering and found myself “mindlessly building soul-less structures” (as the Alchemist shares of her shadow in her Pathway), designing tall buildings as monuments to the patriarchy out of concrete and steel.

My wild feminine nature rebelled, “No longer will I toil thus!” So I left Australia for 13 years to explore the world and life, during which I lived in India, learning the alchemies of Yoga and Meditation and ran a jewellery business designing alchemical symbols in silver and semi-precious stones.

However, having been brought up in such a controlled and sheltered environment, I was quite naive. Very quickly I fell into the “Devil’s” trap of...

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