So much rain has fallen the last few days. The sodden forest floor smells of the rich, musty composting deliciousness of Mother Earth and the moss and lichen covering the trees is vibrant in its luminous green rejoicing. I love this forest oasis; a little remnant of Gondwana land that used to cover this planet with its lush beauty in ancient times.
It is like living in a fairy-tale. The pathless woods are populated by wild creatures like dingos, quolls, possums, wallabies, bandicoots, copperhead and tiger snakes, boobook and barking owls, white and black cockatoos, satin bower birds and many more. My totem and favourite of all, is the superb lyrebird who, in this small region only, mimics a flautist who lived here about 120 years ago.
Can you imagine, 13 years ago when I visited for the first time, hearing this ethereal music emanating from the forest? Being a...
Welcome to the Amazonian Arts Youth Village of Magick where our personal stories and mythologies will create and shape our destiny.
She felt excitement, elation, expansion... ALIVE!
Everyday at the same time the 'bell' would be heard from inside Sarah's classroom, she would race to the court with a basketball in her hands ready to play. Her friends would join in as adrenaline pumped through her veins, moving fast like a cheetah up and down the court, dribbling the ball, passing it, defending and taking the ultimate three pointer shots. It didn't matter if her team won or lost, Sarah just loved to be with her friends, move her body and play the game.
She loved basketball, she loved soccer, running, surfing, netball, handball, swimming and football.
Sport was her 'jam'.
One day as Sarah went to take her last shot at the hoop one of her friends accidentally collided with her, elbowing her in her chest. Extreme pain in her breast radiated down...
Magic is faith in the as-yet-unmanifest. It is the invocation of the large, while praising the small. Magic is the redoubling of our vow when disappointment befalls us, a shoulder to the wheel of our intent.
Excerpt by Toko-pa Turner
The Ether that permeates the entire Cosmos is the infinite, unmanifest potential of creation, the plasma field within which literally anything is possible. Look up at the stars and know the immensity of this truth. Feel the Earth beneath our feet and the miracle of her life giving soils, rocks, plants and creatures, her flowing nourishing waters, the warmth and light of the sun and fire and the air we breath, so rich in life force. Look within our own bodies and sense the intelligence of the Universe at work within this Body/Soul Temple.
Magick* is all around us in every moment. It is only our conditioning and the scientific filter of our culture that has belittled it to the realm of...
Ahhh, the Scorpio New Moon is upon us, exerting a powerful, magical energy, calling us to get in touch with and heal the shadow side of life in order to acknowledge and celebrate our inner Truth. That has certainly been the case for me this last week; in my personal life, my wider community and the world in general and it definitely hasn't been easy or comfortable.
For the last few months, I have been immersed in an exploration of Sacred Union with my Beloved. It sounds fabulous, but I had little idea of what I was in for. In order to look at our shadows, we have to unmask ourselves to expose our fears and vulnerabilities and all the needy parts of us that are longing for love and connection. It's like standing on the edge of the abyss or jumping into the fire of initiation. There is a huge terror in letting go of our security, secrets, and patterns and just surrendering to the process.
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